I like that the warm weather has started to come now instead of snow, and hail. It feels like more of summer than spring with the temperatures this high at this time of month, even though were two months away from summer and spring did come late due to the winter snows still being here. I'm glad that summer is almost here and the school year is almost over in like 2 months and there is the exams, OSSLT, and summative projects right at the last month before the summer. Hopefully i can go with my group of friends to go see iron man 3 because the trailer looked really interesting that the movie could be even more awesomer. Doesn't it feel like that weekdays go by really fast and then the weekend is so long and relaxing that it seems like the weekend will never end? Some weekdays are slow though which is really boring and sucks to have especially if your not in the mood on that day. 
Corey Giles
5/1/2013 11:54:27 pm

yeah i looked at the calender we have less then 30 days of school left not counting weekends


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